Saturday 8 October 2011

1 year, 5 months after my Sotret treatment

1 year and 5 months have passed since I was done with my treatment. My skin looks good, I have not had my usual acne problems again. I get a pimple every now and then, but I am totally okay with it.

Anyway, as side effects, I still have back pains and sometimes I feel that my bones are not that strong as they should be. So I guess the high amount of pills I took for my acne to disappear affected my bones.

To conclude, I must say that I am very happy I went for this Sotret treatment. If any of you has any kind of questions, please send them through via comment or email.

Have a nice sotret treatment! :)


  1. Can u please tell me if there are any side effects even after the treatment, like kidney, liver problems... child birth problems?? coz the leaflet gives a big list and its so scary to take this tablets :(

  2. The bones stuff you mention is scary. I already have the occasional joint pain.. Just started the pills yesterday..

  3. Hello:)I'm sixteen , and I have some acne problems too. My face looks quite ok , but I hate how my pores look like and I have a greasy skin. I have some on my back and I really do have a problem with the hair on my legs. Whenever I depilate it , I get some brown spots all over , and they do not dissapear. I don't know how this is called in english but in romanian its "Foliculita" . Anyway I went to the doctor and she gave me this sotret , but my parents aren't agree with me taking this pills. They say its very dangerous and then I will have bigger problems . I'm afraid that after the treatment the acne will start again . So I just wanted to ask you if its worth it to take sotret ? .....please I'm really insecure about it ...can u help me?

  4. Thanks for sharing experiences..
    Good one..

  5. Thanks for the post.. Good luck for that

