Wednesday 3 June 2009

Sotret (accutane) nose bleeding

The previous week I noticed another Sotret side effect. For 3 days, I've been having daily nose bleedings. The first two days it happened in the morning, while for the 3rd time, it happened in the afternoon. My nose has never bled before on isotretinoin and I got pretty scared after it happened because I thought it's not normal for me to bleed that often.

The reason why your nose bleeds while on sotret treatment is because it gets very dry (as the pills dry all your skin). If you want to avoid this side effect, make sure you drink a lot of water so that you'll be hydrated. Another way of dealing with it is to have a bowl filled with water in your room. This way the humidity will rise.

However, what I don't suggest you to do is to use vaseline. As long as it's not made for oiling the human nose, why use it?

So if you get this side effect while on treatment, don't panic! It's normal.

1 comment:

  1. i also experienced sotret nose bleedings but not much. it happened for 5 or 6 times in a month and thats all
